the land
produces the wheat.

but man
the dream about wheat
and it’s the dream
that makes
things come true.

– Vincenzo Casillo


With a distinct attention to the most advanced technical and scientific solutions, we have transformed the ancient art of wheat milling into a composite and complex process: from the harvest to the packaging of the flour and semolina, every phase of the process is subject to continuous controls to guarantee our customers safe products that meet the highest quality standards.

Our experience and state-of-the-art facilities are a guarantee for the correct execution of the entire production process: from the accredited analysis laboratory ACCREDIA to innovative milling technologies; from certified production processes to strict controls and traceability of raw materials and products, from wheat storage silos to the logistic distribution platform.

Molino Casillo - Retail line

Retail line : Ad Hoc
Le Essenziali
Prime Terre
Le Speciali
Semole D’autore

Professional line

: Premium: Bread
Premium: Pasta
Premium: Desserts
Premium: PizzaSuper
Premium: La classiche
Super premium: Prime terre
Super premium: Pietra
Origin :  Italia

Ad hoc:

Le Essenziali:

Prima Terre:

La Speciali: 

Semole d’autore: